Cessna 172
The Cessna 172 Skyhawk is a four-seater, single-engine, high fixed-wing aircraft which was first flown in 1955.
Cirrus SR20-GTS
The single-engine, four-seat Cirrus is renowned for its advanced safety features, including the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System (CAPS). It combines ease of use, excellent performance, and efficient cruising capabilities.
Baron 55
Take your flight training to the next level with our Beechcraft Baron 55, a high-performance twin-engine aircraft renowned for its speed, reliability, and advanced handling capabilities. With its spacious cabin, robust performance, and IFR-equipped cockpit, the Baron 55 provides and excellent platform for multi-engine training and cross-country flights.
Cessna 162
The Cessna Skycatcher is an American side-by-side two-seat, high wing, subtracted, tricycle gear light-sport aircraft (LSA).